7800 Rupee Decrease per Tola

7800 Rupee Decrease per Tola

In a significant development, the price of gold in Pakistan has witnessed a substantial decline. According to the All Pakistan Jewellers and Gems Association, the price of gold per tola has decreased by a whopping 7800 rupees. This downward trend has resulted in a new price of 240,900 rupees per tola.

10 Grams of Gold Now Cheaper by 6687 Rupees

Furthermore, the price of 10 grams of gold has also experienced a notable decrease of 6687 rupees. As a result, 10 grams of gold is now being sold for 206,533 rupees.

Global Gold Market Sees 72 Dollar Decrease per Ounce

The decline in gold prices is not limited to Pakistan, as the global currency market has also witnessed a decrease. The price of gold has dropped by 72 dollars per ounce, now trading at 2289 dollars per ounce.

Impact on Jewellery Market

This significant decrease in gold prices is expected to boost the jewellery market in Pakistan, as consumers may take advantage of the reduced prices to purchase gold ornaments and coins.

Pakistan,Gold Price Drop,Gold price in Pakistan per tola,Gold price today,Gold Price Today in Pakistan,Gold Prices Reduce in Pakistan

#Rupee #Decrease #Tola

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